voorouderaltaar familie kan tan han

The ancestral altar of the families Kan, Tan and Han

This complete altar is very special. It is the ancestral altar of the families Kan, Han and Tan.

Their ancestors were Chinese, but they themselves had lived in Indonesia for a long time. The family takes care of their deceased relatives, their ancestors, by giving gifts such as food and flowers and placing them on the altar as an offering. In 1971, the Kan family left for the Netherlands. The family went to great lengths to take the ancestral altar with them, in order to be able to continue offering to their ancestors. It is complete with ancestor portraits, soul tablets, censers and candlesticks. Until they donated it to the museum in 2021, the family used the altar.

voorouderaltaar familie kan tan han
The ancestral altar of the families Kan, Tan and Han, photography Mike Bink