Bloemlezing van Perzische poëzie

About the exhibition Poetry of the People

Sociale impact

Poetry of the People is about the social impact of poetry from the late 19th century to the present. The exhibition features more than thirty poems, presented in a special combination of text, readings, video and art installations. From poems expressing joy or romance to poetry driving mass protests. From the intimacy of a poem recited by one person to the power of a text chanted by an entire crowd. In this exhibition, you will hear the voices of changemakers, connectors and freedom fighters. You will learn more about the creativity, power and diversity of poems, poets, performers and artists from the region.

Van de intimiteit van een gedicht dat door één persoon wordt voorgedragen tot de kracht van een tekst die door een hele menigte wordt gescandeerd. In deze tentoonstelling hoor je de stemmen van veranderaars, verbinders en vrijheidsvechters. Je komt meer te weten over de creativiteit, kracht en diversiteit van gedichten, dichters, performers en kunstenaars uit de regio.

Creativity and inspiration

Poetry of the People shows how versatile and creative poetry can be. The exhibition includes works by Abu al-Qasim al-Shabbi, Dunya Mikhail, Forough Farrokhzad, Mahmoud Darwish, Nazim Hikmet and Rumi, among others. The poems were originally written in several languages, including Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Persian, Tamazight and Turkish. You can also see how this poetry lives on and continues to inspire artists of today. For example, there will be a rendition of the poem Ötme Bülbül Ötme by singer Meral Polat, and artworks by Sara Rajaei, by the collective Slavs and Tatars and by Nour Jaouda, among others.

Bloemlezing van Perzische poëzie
Beeld: Mohammad Ebrahim, Bloemlezing van Perzische poëzie, Qajar, Iran, 1847, Collectie Wereldmuseum