What should be shown in public spaces?
Many companies and organizations spread their message by exhibiting on the street. But is this what people on the street want to look at? Artist Pris Roos really wants to see more of the people and the street itself. In her workshop you think about how to change Tropenmuseum posters, so that they are more about the real people you come across on the street. What or whom would you like to see and what do you want to say about them? Pris tells how she herself goes about her work and gives you a free hand. With all kinds of materials you make new, street-worthy posters for the museum. The museum will learn a lot from this workshop too!
About Pris Roos Pris Roos (she/her) is an artist, teacher, researcher and story teller. As a child she grew up in the toko (shop) of her family, emigrants from Indonesia. She sees that toko as a symbol of togetherness, colours, smells, food, stories and a mix of people from diverse backgrounds and a rich source of inspiration for her art. As an artist Pris works in all kinds of media, such as painting, spoken word, video, performance and installation. By listening to the people she meets and observing them, she thinks about identity, migration and remembrance.