Concept and Production
- Wereldmuseum Amsterdam Junior
- Kuluk Kleist
- Malik Olsvig
- Lars Bianco Mikaelsen
- Bolatta Silis-Høegh
- Melchora Quispe Quispe
- Shaheen Molik
- Chourouk Bafdil
Project Management
- Willemijn Schellekens-Sikkema (General)
- Marianne Fokkens (Production)
Exhibition Design
- designwolf
Construction and AV installation
- Kloosterboer Decor
Graphic Design
- Berthe Mandaat
Animation and Illustration
- Cristina Garcia Martin (All things moving)
- Bolatta Silis-Høegh
- Paarma Brandt
- Naja Rosing Asvid
- Aka Høegh
Film Productions
- Áka Hansen
- Aannguaq Reimer-Johansen
- Anders Berthelsen
- Franklin Symphor-Hendriksen (Greenland)
- Nicole Franken, Yvonne Dudock (Indigenous People Today)
- Cinemaffia
- Mette Menting
Sound Design
- Peter Seeba
- Studio Bob Kommer
Lighting Design and installation
- Tom Verheijen, Anjo Kuiper (De Cirkel)
- Jasper Fernhout
- ByClercx
- Janne van Valkenburg Vormgeving
Co-developers Content and Education
- Michelle van Aggelen
- Dimphy Schreurs
- Dolph Kessler
- Aviâja Rosing Jakobsen / National Museum of Greenland
- Shutterstock
- Alamy
- Arctic Photo
- Dean Merill
- Rawpixel
- Polar Gallery / Miki Jacobsen
- Redgeographics / Hans van der Maarel
- Marianne Bjerre.
Expert sessions
- Deidre Sharon Brown
- Leah Lui-Chivizhe
- Gro Ween
- Audra Mitchell
- Yuki Kihara
- Chihiro Geuzebroek
- Svend Hardenberg
- Julie Edel Hardenberg
- Peter Kuipers Munneke
- Maurice van Tiggelen
- Michiel van den Broeke
- Jeff Diamanti
- Vivian Aiyedogbon
- Leo van der Vlist
- Áka Hansen
- Melati Wijsen
- Paola Zanchetta
- Juno Salazar Parreñas
Special thanks to
- Konrad Nuka Godtfredsen
- National Museum of Denmark
- Ivars Silis
- Irma Enklaar
- Tjeerd Bisschoff
- Pipaluk de Groot
- Tayo van Boeckel
- Klaus Hansen en Karen Nathanson
- Nivi Christensen / Kunstmuseum Nuuk
- Lorenzo Imola
- Fleur de Lange
- Liv en Peter Jensen / Inuk Design
- Miiti Geisler / Anori Art
- Maarten Loonen / Arctisch Centrum
- Aviaq Müller Heilmann
- Malik Hansen
- Pipaluk Müller Heilmann
- Mona Jonathansen
- Uju Kleist
- Innuinaq Müller Heilmann
- Maligiak Jonathansen
- Nuriana Stork Zeeb
- Aartjan Nooter
- Jeroen Nooter
- Cunera Buijs
- Anne-Goaitske Breteler
- Fleur de Kort
- Elise Peters
- Hyning Gan
- Creative Shaa
Collaborating schools
- Openbare basisschool Oscar Carré
- 4e Montessorischool De Pinksterbloem
- De Rode Loper op school