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On display until March 2


New exhibition Imprints

What does it mean to live in the present with the colonial past? Elia Nurvista, Max Kisman and Sabine Groenewegen were asked to respond to this question. They have been invited to reflect on the legacies of the Dutch domination of Indonesia. These artists reflect critically on the impact of the colonial past on the present and work with diverse media on various themes.

Nurvista explores the impact of oil palm plantations, in layered and large-scale multimedia installations. Kisman, known for his recognizable style, is interested in the psychological consequences of occupation, loyalty and self-determination. And Groenewegen analyses the use of film as colonial propaganda and the realities these images were meant to conceal.

The works in this exhibition emerge from their long-term research practices and creative processes and have not been presented before in this form. The Wereldmuseum's collections have contributed to the creation of the works in this exhibition. The artists invite the visitor to explore new insights into the lasting imprints of the colonial past.

Photo Sabine Groenewegen and Max Kisman credits: Ilvy Njiokiktjien and Elia Nurvista credits: Fajar Riyanto.

From March 2 to May 12, Max Kisman can also be seen at the Centraal Museum in Utrecht with his exhibition Kuspinah – I only have your name.

Artist talk and panel discussion

The Research Center for Material Culture and the Wereldmuseum Amsterdam are delighted to host a public event on Surrounding Silences - an artist talk and panel discussion with Sabine Groenewegen, Rachael Rakes, Priya Swamy, and a video recording by Gyonne Goedhoop. The conversation will be moderated by Carine Zaayman. This round table conversation is a furtherance of the exhibition Imprints in Wereldmuseum Amsterdam.